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Dirge of the Three Queens(1895)

Dirge of the Three Queens(1895)

Dirge of the Three Queens(1895)
La reine dans Hamlet(1895)

La reine dans Hamlet(1895)

La reine dans Hamlet(1895)
The Arthurian Round Table and the fable of the Seat Perilous(c.1893 - c.1895)

The Arthurian Round Table and the fable of the Seat Perilous(c.1893 – c.1895)

The Arthurian Round Table and the fable of the Seat Perilous(c.1893 - c.1895)
Sir Lancelot and Sir Bors outfit Galahad with his spurs(1895)

Sir Lancelot and Sir Bors outfit Galahad with his spurs(1895)

Sir Lancelot and Sir Bors outfit Galahad with his spurs(1895)


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